RTC Services Click2Web
And Gateway API RTC

A protocol that generates a work and integration tool with all its products.

v3.1.0-Consolidated product in the market

Request a demo API RTC

Webphone application to integrate with any CRM or Call Center towards standard SIP platforms. Customizable product.


Product Based on Java Script API compatible with all websites. Your customers can call you with just one click on your website.


Integrate RTC service with your SIP platforms, create Webdialer, Click2Call and other applications with the RTC Gateway API

API RTC Application Scenarios

Start working with Apolocom that can provide you with everything you need to generate connections, drive traffic, connect.

Technical Support Service RTC in web

Intranet or Internet support, provide your clients with an expedited communication with one click so that they feel the support of a Premium Support Service.

Telesales calls

Prepare a button on the web to make online sales, gives your client the opportunity to communicate expeditiously, do not miss the sale, communicate with your client.

Online Phone Directory

Make a list of numbers. Ideal service for government, ORG or other institutions that need to provide a directory and expedited free calls.

Integration for in/out calls from a CRM

Generate RTC gateways for any SIP platform. Integrate and generate calls natively from your CRM, Call Center, search engine or web.

Try the Click2Web

Click2Web provides a fast channel of communication with your client, without searching, without commitment for the client and with very fast access. Try the service by clicking the button below, compatible with IOS and Android browsers.

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