Apolo Anti Fraud

Sentinel 3.0

Proactively Detect and prevent fraud, at the signaling layer.

The VoIP Network is Open to Attacks

Security and Polling in Real Time

Apolo Switch Sentinel manages both fraud and security by leveraging highly advanced fraud detection models along with thoroughly tested security firewalls to securely deliver and monitor VoIP services in real time.

Management by Customer Traffic Profile

The platform intelligently combines SIP security, real-time analysis of each client's profiles, running advanced threat intelligence and fraud detection. This combined intelligence provides operators with real-time, context-based visibility into unauthorized activities and the ability to mitigate threats such as Denial of Service (DoS), botnet attacks, traffic pumping, CLI spoofing and automatic calls throughout your VoIP network.

Corrective Actions and Automatic blocking

Smart locks in real time applied by clients. Different logics cover the corrective action to prevent fraud from being carried out, the response received by the attacker notifies that there is a dissuasive anti-fraud system.

Scenery Anti Fraud

Sentinel in Real Time.

Apolo Sentinel is capable of reading and analyzing 100% of the transactions in memory, making exact comparisons with the traffic profile of each client to apply intelligent actions as appropriate. All processes are done in memory, providing timely blocking action to prevent fraud.

  • Spoofing ANI and ANI List
  • Destinations marked as prone to fraud
  • Call duration times
  • Unusual traffic after hours

Traffic Profiles by Clients
Automatic profiles

Apolo Sentinel works on a zero-trust architecture, that is, it works on the basis of not trusting anyone or anything inside the network perimeter and applying restrictions as a result of matching with the Client Profile, that is, the function of interworking should only be addressed with the requests necessary for this particular interworking scenario. Enforces controls at the individual source host/global title level to allow/block specific signaling operations or block specific destinations.

Profile definitions define the Sentinel action with parameters such as:

  • Dangerous or fraudulent destinations.
  • Analysis of ANi by impersonation or unauthorized.
  • Abnormal call times related to the customer profile.
  • Using unauthorized or impersonated agents.

Statistics, Alarms and Notifications
Event Reporting Module

Every action has a consequence.

Apolo Sentinel records all events and creates a powerful database that will allow the system to learn and create customer profiles and rules. Warning and Alarm events will be notified to the operator via SMS and Mail.

System Performance

System Resources

We might think that Sentinel functions take up a lot of resources, however, the development environment of the system is designed for memory-optimized performance, which does not aggressively impact the consumption of hardware CPU, and memory resources.

  • Analysis of 1000 transactions per second
  • Instant block actions, no additional actions
  • Without additional resources in the system